Tooth Resorption

Tooth Resorption Information

The Basics:

Resorption is a pathologic process where your tooth begins to dissolve away. There are many different types of resorption. In most cases, the more quickly the resorption is addressed, the higher the likelihood of a successful outcome for your tooth. Endodontists are experts at managing resorption in teeth. If you have been told one of your teeth is undergoing resorption, contact our practice for an evaluation.

The Details:

Tooth resorption is a rare pathologic process where portions of the tooth begin to dissolve away. There are many types of resorption that can affect a tooth and each is managed in a different way. Some types of resorption result from a traumatic injury or from persistent irritation. Other types of resorption may be related to an infection of the root canal space.

The Good News:

The Endodontists at Miami Root Canal Specialists are experts at diagnosing and treating all types of tooth resorption. If resorption is diagnosed during your evaluation appointment, we will explain the process that is taking place and will give you realistic treatment options to treat or manage the condition. In most cases, a 3D CBCT scan will be captured to aid with determining the extent of the resorption as well as for helping to determine the long-term prognosis of your tooth.

Helpful Tooth Resorption Video from the American Association of Endodontists

Understanding the Different Types of Resorption and Their Treatment

Tooth resorption is a widely misunderstood process. If you have been diagnosed with tooth resorption and would like to learn more, take a moment to watch this short video describing three different types of resorption and how they are each treated.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Tooth Resorption

If my tooth has resorption, shouldn’t I feel something?

Tooth resorption usually does not produce painful symptoms. For this reason, resorption can often progress for long periods of time without being detected. Resorption is often first identified during annual checkup exams on routine radiographs (X-rays).

Can resorption be stopped?

Some types of resorption (internal resorption and external inflammatory) are treated with root canal therapy. Other types of resorption (cervical resorption) often require surgical intervention to arrest and may also require root canal therapy. A fourth type of resorption (ankylosis) typically cannot be stopped and steadily progresses over time leading to the loss of the tooth.

Can a tooth with resorption be saved?

For most types of resorption, if the pathology is caught early enough, the resorption can be stopped and the tooth can be saved. If the resorptive process progresses too far, however, the tooth may not be salvageable.

Should I be worried about the resorption spreading to other teeth?

Although multiple teeth can be affected by the same type of resorption simultaneously, the resorptive process generally does not “spread” from tooth to tooth. Nevertheless, if you have been diagnosed with a resorptive lesion in one tooth, it is generally a good idea to make sure that no other teeth are affected by the same process.

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